Concrete Form Pin
A highway contractor in Missouri was suffering significant delays in the construction of several on and off ramp construction projects. The crews that were responsible for installing the concrete forms were simply unable to keep up with production demands. The customer related that using two men each with 20 Lbs sledge hammers it was taking well over five minutes to drive each stake into the ground.
The Challenge:
Cut the amount of time to drive each form pin into the hard ground and ensure that the pin rested below the top of the form.
The Solution:
Use powered drivers.
The Tools:
Modified PD 55, 185 Sullair
The Result:
Cut the crew requirement to one man and cut the installation time from a rate of 10 minutes (2 man crews + 5 minutes per pin) to 9 seconds. The contractor not only got back on schedule but managed to get way ahead of schedule.